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OSM Criteria


Order of Saint Martin Criteria

The Association of Quartermasters Patron Saint Program supports Active Duty, Reserve Component and Civilian Quartermaster members. The Saint Martin Award consists of three levels listed in order precedence:

  • Ancient Order of Saint Martin
  • Honorable Order of Saint Martin
  • Distinguished Order of Saint Martin
  • Approving Authority

Ancient Order of Saint Martin

The Ancient Order of Saint Martin is the most distinguished of the three levels of the Quartermaster Patron Saint Program. The Ancient Order of Saint Martin recognizes the select few who stand above their brethren of the Distinguished Order.


  • Lifetime contribution to the Quartermaster Corp – Post retirement
  • Lifetime Membership of AQM
  • Nomination Packet – The nominee packet must include the OSM form, a biography of accomplishments to the QM Corp, a recommendation letter or Office, NCO or Civilian official record
  • Biography – must include at least 20 years of Quartermaster Service
  • Eligibility is limited to QM soldiers and Civilians – Quartermaster series


An individual may only be nominated for the Ancient Order by an Active or Retired Quartermaster General Officer or a Chief Warrant Officer Five, Nominative Command Sergeant Major or a Civilian Senior Executive Service Member serving at or served at the General Officer level.


All packets received 1 January through 31 March in the AQM office for the National Executive Board to review

AQM will screen packets and send nominations to the QM Honorary Colonel of the Regiment based on rotation of officer, NCO and civilian.  The QM Honorary Colonel of Regiment will discuss with Regimental Chief Warrant Officer, Regimental Command Sergeant Major and a representative of AQM for final selection.


Induction into the Ancient Order of Saint Martin will take place annually at an official Quartermaster Birthday celebration, or similar event held at Fort Gregg Adams, Virginia.

Distinguished Order of Saint Martin

The Distinguished Order of Saint Martin is reserved for Senior Leader Quartermaster Soldiers and Civilians. The Distinguished Order recognizes the select few who stand above their brethren in the Honorable Order and who have performed conspicuous, long-term service for, or on behalf of, the United States Army Quartermaster Corps. Nomination for the Distinguished Order is reserved for an elite few whose careers have embodied the spirit, dignity, and sense of sacrifice and commitment epitomized by the Patron Saint Martin. Membership in the Honorable Order is not a prerequisite for membership into the Distinguished Order.

Minimum Criteria: 

  • Be an active member of the Association of Quartermasters.  If not an active AQM
    Member, must enroll for a 3-year membership at the time a nomination for the
    Distinguished Order of Saint Martin is submitted
  • Hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
    and above
  • Chief Warrant Officer Five / Chief
    Warrant Officer Four
  • Command Sergeant Major/Sergeant
    Major, First Sergeant/Master Sergeant Civilian GS-13 and above
  • Award will NOT be mailed directly to
    individual.  This is a prestigious award and must be presented.


An individual may be nominated for the Distinguished Order of Saint Martin by anyone who recognizes the contributions the individual has made for the United States Army Quartermaster Corps.

The Distinguished Order of Saint Martin nomination form must be accompanied with at least a one page justification which includes a brief biography of the nominee.


All award applications must be signed/endorsed by the 0-6 or above in awardee’s chain of command.


The nominator is responsible for hosting an appropriate ceremony or event to induct the individual into the Distinguished Order of Saint Martin.

Honorable Order of Saint Martin

The Honorable Order of Saint Martin recognizes those individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity, moral character, and have displayed an outstanding degree of professional competence. The Honorable Order recognizes those individuals who have served the United States Army Quartermaster Corps with selflessness service, and has contributed to the promotion of Espirit de Corp in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient’s superiors, subordinates and peers alike. 

Minimum Criteria:

  • Be an active member of the Association of Quartermasters.  If not an active AQM Member, must enroll for a 3-year membership at the time a nomination for the Honorable Order of Saint Martin is submitted
  • Hold the rank of Major or below
  • Sergeant First Class or below
  • Chief Warrant Officer Three or below
  • Civilian GS-12 or below
  • Have at least five years of service to the Quartermaster Corps (exception to policy approved by the AQM Board Members)
  • Award will NOT be mailed directly to individual.  This is a prestigious award and must be presented.


An individual may be nominated for the Honorable Order of Saint Martin by anyone who recognizes the contributions the individual has made for the United States Quartermaster Corps.

The Honorable Order of Saint Martin nomination form must be accompanied by at least a one page justification which includes a brief biography of the nominee.


The approval authority for the Honorable OSM has been delegated from the Quartermaster General to 0-6 Officers serving as Colonel Level Commanders. All award applications must be signed/endorsed by a 0-6 or above.


The nominator is responsible for hosting an appropriate ceremony or event to induct the individual into the Honorable Order of Saint Martin.

Approving Authority

The approving authority for the Honorable Order of Saint Martin is the 0-6 in awardee’s chain of command. The AQM board may approve or disapprove the nomination to the Honorable Order of Saint Martin.