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Catharine Greene Criteria

General Rules

The Catharine Greene award was approved by the Quartermaster General in January 2001 to provide an award that would recognize significant contributions and support provided by Quartermaster spouses. Any member of the Quartermaster corps may nominate a deserving candidate for the Catharine Greene Award. Although any member of the Quartermaster Corps may nominate a spouse, the nominating of your own spouse is highly discouraged and approving officials should carefully screen such nomination requests.

Minimum Criteria

In order to maintain the value and prestige of the Catharine Greene Award we have established three criteria that must be met in order for a nomination to be approved for the Catharine Greene Award. Any deviation from these three criteria will cause the nomination requests to be forwarded to the Quartermaster General for consideration.

1.)The nominee must be the spouse of a Quartermaster soldier or civilian.
2.)The nominee’s spouse must be a member of AQM.
3.)The nominee must have provided a significant contribution or support to the Quartermaster Corps, a unit, a community or to their spouse that is of a nature that emulates Mrs. Catharine Greene and is distinguishing from other spouse contributions.

Approving Authority

The Quartermaster General has delegated approval authority of the Catharine Greene award to Quartermaster Corps General Officers and Quartermaster Colonels(06) in command respectively. If there is not a Quartermaster General or Colonel available in the nominee’s organization, then the nomination must be endorsed by the nominator’s commander and submitted to the Association of Quartermasters. The Association will then review the packet and coordinate with the Quartermaster General for further review and approval.